Are There really Aliens Out there?
Since the Big Bang billions of years have passed. There are billions of galaxies and uncountable numbers of stars and planets and yet we have no hard evidence of any intelligent life. For all of you aliens enthusiasts , I too believe that there is an intelligent life out there and we will eventually find out. I know it will take time but surely we will find out. We know that the earth is around 4.5 billion years old and it already has seen extinction of one of its species(Dinosaurs) around 65 million years ago which is far recent as compared to earth's age. The appearance of first humans is even more recent between few hundred thousand to around a million years. In this life span we have developed so much that we have already sent rovers to other planets and many satellites out in space. Fermi Paradox In our own galaxy itself, Astronomers estimates that there are around 300 - 400 million planets who possess earth like habitat and which are far more older tha...