
Are There really Aliens Out there?

Since the Big Bang billions of years have passed. There are billions of galaxies and uncountable numbers of stars and planets and yet we have no hard evidence of any intelligent life. For all of you aliens enthusiasts , I too believe that there is an intelligent life out there and we will eventually find out. I know it will take time but surely we will find out. We know that the earth is around 4.5 billion years old and it already has seen extinction of one of its species(Dinosaurs) around 65 million years ago which is far recent as compared to earth's age. The appearance of first humans is even more recent between few hundred thousand to around a million years. In this life span we have developed so much that we have already sent rovers to other planets and many  satellites out in space.  Fermi Paradox In our own galaxy itself, Astronomers estimates that there are around 300 - 400 million planets who possess earth like habitat and which are far more older tha...

The Andes Plane crash: Cannibalism for Survival

On October 12, 1972, a bunch of schoolmates boarded a charted airforce plane for a rugby tour. Air Force Fight 571 flying from Uruguay to Chile. Nando Parrado (One of the survivor) also called his mother and sister to accompany him to his Rugby match but what they didn't know was the disaster coming straight at them. The plane has a crew of 5 members and there were 40 passengers on that flight. After they took off from the Uruguayan Capital they soon ran into a storm due to which they have to stop in Argentina. On the very next day, they decided to continue the flight but they never reached their destination. The Pilots made a fatal miscalculation as they taught they have passed the highest peak of the Andes but they were on the wrong side of the mountain range. The clouds hid the peaks and then it happened. The Plane hit one of the peaks and destroyed its tail and wings in the impact. In the impact, 12 people died and only 33 left. Nando hit his head and went into a coma for few...

Does these Creatures exist? YETI , BIGFOOTS

9th November, 1951, British explorer Eric Shaption and Michal Waughn saw huge footprints, on Mt. Everest at a height of 1800 ft, which were about 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. Clearly These footprints were not of any human or animal that can survive at such a high altitude. So, the explorers took the pictures and when these pictures were published they were captioned "BIGFOOT signs located". And locals call it "YETI". But the question is does they really exist or they are just a hoax. Many people all over the globe believes in the existence of big foots or yetis. According to the legend, a big foot is a half human and half ape which is usually about 10 to 20 feet tall and have some special powers like it can travel from one place to another in fraction of seconds or it can disappear and reappear according to his wish. many cases of these big foots and yetis have been recorded in history: 1. Mount Chesta, USA In 1979, a UFO investigator named Chris...

The True Story of Slender Man

Very long ago there lived a family in which there was a boy named Simon. As a child, He loves to play in woods. He was a very strange child because usually goes out in woods during night and he was even not afraid.  When he was 10 years old his house burned and parents died. He somehow managed to escape and went into the Woods where his granny used to live. Granny had a granddaughter named Angelene and granny was a widow. Both Simon and Angelene grew together and at the age of 17 the fell in love.  They spent a lot of time in woods. But one night Angelene went missing. Eventually Simon found her lying on a dark path with a wound on her leg. Simon took her back to home and granny medicated the wound. When she woke up she told that a dog with red eyes and sharp teeth had bitten her leg and she kept talking about a curse madly. She also told that when she was unconscious she got a vision that they will have a cursed daughter.  After year Simon and Angelene d...

Aliens: When they invaded our Earth?

We all know that Aliens are someone who came from the outer space to capture our planet. There are many sightings of these aliens and UFOs Since 1000s of years ago. The time when people hardly know about some technology there are unbelievably many wall sculptures and paintings which shows the existence of UFO and aliens clear picture of UFO and aliens can be seen through the paintings made by Leonardo da Vinci used to draw a disc like object in almost every his paintings Monalisa the famous lady portrait made by Leonardo also contains an alien structure if we superimpose the mirror image of Monalisa on its original picture. Not only this during the ancient time period there were too many cases which can relate to UFO and aliens the great pyramids made out of very large stones we can hardly think how these structures are being made because even the modern techology is unable to send such large stones at such large height as of these pyramids. The great pyramids of Giza are being...

The Suicide Forest

Forests are the places which gives life to our mother earth. But have You ever heard of a forest which takes life. Yes, today we will be talking about a mysterious forest in Japan which is very popular as 'The Suicide Forest' because lots of people commit suicide. Today we will be talking about 'Aokigahara forest' which is situated at the northwestern flank of Mount Fuji in japan. Covering an area of 12 mile (30 km) it is very dense forest having lots of trees and plants due to which it is given the name 'The Sea of trees". The forest have a historical reputation as a home to the ghosts or dead beings. In recent years, this place is regarded as the most popular destination for suicide after the Golden Gate Bridge. Since 1950, several Japanese businessmen wandered inside the forest but almost 500 of them never wandered out of this forest. This rate of suicides and disappearances of people raised up to 30% as in the year 2002, 78 dead b...

Were Vampires Real ???

  Our earth have many different types of people. Some of them are real and some are mythical but do you know there were people which were neither living nor dead. these were called the Vampires.  so Friends in this documentary we will be knowing about what vampires actually were and some of the incidents of the vampires. Vampires were the dead beings which were supposed to wake up on some particular day and comes out of their graves. After coming back they like to drink human's or any animal's blood. There vampires were very popular at the times of 1700. The time period between 1700 to 1730 is said to be as "The Time of Dracula". It was said that these Vampires comes back to their loved ones and causes deaths in their neighborhoods where they reside when the were alive.   The sighting of these Vampires started in 19th Century. This term was popularized  after an influx of a Vampire superstition in western Europe from the areas were Va...